Our Services

At The Pharmacist Mentors, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive support for pharmacists, at every stage of their career. Our range of services is designed to empower you and ensure your success in the pharmacy profession.

Resume Review Services

Hospital E-Book


Resume Review Services

Crafting a compelling resume and selection criteria that effectively showcase your skills and qualifications, while ensuring their transferability to the position you are applying for, is crucial for making a strong impression on potential employers. Our experienced team will carefully review and provide valuable feedback to enhance your application, emphasizing how your skills, qualifications, and achievements align with the requirements of the position, making you an ideal candidate

 1: Resume Review  $149.00

Constructing a professional resume and articulating your accomplishments is very challenging! Having your resume reviewed by The Pharmacist Mentors, with a Pharmacy-specific background in recruitment, prior to applying for a new role will give you the chance to put your best foot forward. 

Some of the benefits of your resume review include:

  • having a second set of eyes review the document that you have probably read a thousand times

  • ensuring that your initial written presentation to the interview panel is clear and concise

  • emphasising important information, ensuring it is easy to find

  • guaranteeing correct formatting is used and that your document is error-free

  • identifying further information that you didn't know would add value or articulating certain points to emphasise your skills that otherwise the interview panel may have skipped over in your application

  • provide positive feedback on components of your resume - sometimes it is important to be reminded that you've done a good job and that your professional accomplishments are something that you should be proud of!

Our resume reviews include an initial 15 minute discussion via phone or virtual meeting to get to know one another and discuss your requirements.

Please note that upon purchase of this service you will need to provide 

  1. Your resume as a word / docx file. It is preferable if you can provide a shareable google docs link. 

  2. A copy or link to any job advertisement to which you are applying, including the closing date if relevant. 

If you have any further questions about our resume reviews please contact mel@pharmacistmentors.com to discuss further.

2: Resume and Selection Criteria Review $249.00

It is important to show the interview panel your skills and achievements on your resume, along with how you believe your skills and knowledge translate into practice or how these can be applied in specific situations in the workplace. This package incorporates review of both of these important components, your resume and your selection criteria, to give you confidence with your application.

Responding the selection criteria is often hard and daunting! A selection criteria review with The Pharmacist Mentors will assist you to ensure you understand the criteria, outline the process of how to create an opening statement and articulate quality examples, including supporting evidence, to ensure you showcase how you would be a suitable fit for the role within the workplace.

Our resume and selection criteria reviews include an initial 15 minute discussion via phone or virtual meeting to get to know one another and discuss your requirements.

Please note that upon purchase of this service you will need to provide  

  1. Your resume as a word / docx file. It is preferable if you can provide a shareable google docs link. 

  2. Your written selection criteria document as a word / docx file. It is preferable if you can provide a shareable google docs link. 

  3. A copy or link to both the job advertisement and selection criteria to which you are applying, including the closing date if relevant.

If you have any further questions about our resume and selection criteria review please contact mel@pharmacistmentors.com to discuss further.

3: Interview Preparation - $199.00

After reviewing and submitting your written job application, the next best way to prepare for the interview process is to practice some questions! Preparing for an interview can make a significant difference in whether or not you get the job. A well-prepared applicant stands out from the rest and is more likely to be remembered positively by the interviewer. By taking the time to prepare thoroughly, you can increase your chances of being offered the job.

Benefits of doing face to face interview preparation include:

  • Familiarise yourself with the interview process

  • Reduce your anxiety and stress about the upcoming interview

  • Help you feel more comfortable and boost your confidence during the interview

  • Learning techniques to help you to think on your feet and answer unanticipated questions

  • Knowing appropriate options for questions to ask the panel at the end of the interview

At the end of the day, practice makes perfect; and what better way to practice interviewing than with The Pharmacist Mentors!

Please note that upon purchase of this service you will need to provide  

  1. Your resume as a word / docx file. It is preferable if you can provide a shareable google docs link. 

  2. Your written selection criteria document as a word / docx file. It is preferable if you can provide a shareable google docs link. 

  3. A copy or link to both the job advertisement and selection criteria to which you are applying, including the closing date if relevant.

If you have any further questions about our interview preparation service please contact mel@pharmacistmentors.com to discuss further.

Hospital Pharmacy E-Book

“Your e-book was fantastic!I enjoy your style and the layout of the book, feels like it is taking me on a journey” 

“Janelle’s book is incredible, I have binge-read it all! The thing that was very helpful to me was the practical approach to answering selection criteria.”

"What I've loved about the e-book is the section on rewording community skills to make them relevant to a hospital setting (the feedback I got from my hospital applications was that they were great for community, but not relevant enough for hospital - definitely challenging when you've only had community experience!)”

“Your book is definitely coolness to my eyes. I learnt some of your points the hard way and wish wish with all my heart I had this book earlier! I love that you've focused a significant amount on the mindset of applying for hospital and that you acknowledge the turmoil that comes with applying.”


Our mentorship program pairs you with experienced pharmacists who are dedicated to guiding and supporting you throughout your career journey. Our mentors offer personalized advice, share their industry expertise, and provide valuable career guidance, helping you navigate challenges and make informed decisions.

With The Pharmacist Mentors by your side, you can confidently progress and achieve your pharmacy career goals. We are committed to empowering you with the tools, knowledge, and support you need to succeed.


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